About Us
Nick Collins: Entrepreneur & CEO of Collins Corp Ltd
Collins Corporation Ltd are a New Zealand based company who own the brand name Safetor Roof Anchors and are the largest designers and manufacturers of Height Safety Anchor points in New Zealand.
It is our mission and commitment to design and manufacture height safety anchor points that fully protect human life.
Nick has worked in the construction industry for over 40 years. In that time, he has been engaged in many roles within the industry, from owning his own roofing and building company to teaching roofing to others at the Diamonds factory in Hastings and designing roofing products for some of the roofing manufacturers in New Zealand.
At an early age Nick became involved with his family’s engineering business in Auckland which later proved vital when he started to design his range of height safety anchor points. To Nick the construction industry became a fascination and he wanted to learn as much as he could about every aspect of the industry from the ground up.
He was driven to discovering and perfecting skills in: roofing, builder, plumbing, drain laying, civil construction, crane operations, building removal and demolition. An opportunity arose for Nick to internship with the Napier City Council’s Building Inspectors department to get a first-hand look at the whole permit and inspection process.
With the skills and knowledge gained from such a spanning history within the construction industry combined with the understanding of good practices and proper use of the building codes gained from so many years at height, Nick Invented an award-winning line of anchor products in 1999 that helped to pioneer roof anchors in the construction and safety industries worldwide. These height safety anchors were branded as SAFETOR (Safety Anchors for Every Type of Roof) as the full range were code compliant anchors that had the flexibility to suit any roof they were attached to.

Kiwi Inventor & Entrepreneur
A world first in height safety anchor points, Nick`s very first anchor design C/A 004 was a world first and appeared in the book ‘Inventions from the Shed’ written by Jim Hopkins and Julie Riley published in 1999 pages 79 to 81. (An anchor up on top)
Nick is generally known as the `ANCHOR MAN` after winning the award for best Design or Technology Initiative at the New Zealand Workplace Health & Safety Awards 2007. This award is in recognition of the strengthening design of timber trusses to withstand loads 15kN or 1.5ton which is set out in the AS/NZS 1891.4.2009 covering anchor points. This design has also been given the thumbs up by one of New Zealand`s leading timber truss designers `Mitek NZ.
At the 2008 New Zealand Workplace Health & Safety Awards, CCL was a finalist, for Best Leadership of an Industry Sector or Region. This award was sponsored by ACC. .