Temporary Claw Anchor
Our Safetor Temporary Anchor or the (STC) is a unique design as the loading is shared between two to three points of attachment. This enables the worker to safely work in a 180 degree radius. Most other anchors transfer the loading to one point of attachment when a 20 degree angle is reached.
Load Spreading:
We have used the same load spreading principles on our Safetor Temporary Claw Anchor as used for back stays on 60-foot log hauler masts for pulling heavy loads of trees out of gullies.
Other brands of temporary anchors have the possibility of creating a hazard because of loading.
The Safetor Temporary Claw Anchor has three separate fully adjustable legs so the loading is shared between a minimum of three fixing points at all times.
When working across from the anchor, the loading is spread through four attachment points.
When working at a 45 degree angle the loading is shared between three attachment points.
This is what makes this anchor a much safer temporary anchor.
Residential & Commercial Use:
All legs on the STC anchor are fully adjustable to suit 300mm to 1800mm spaced purlins which makes this anchor suitable for both residential and commercial use.
The STC anchor conforms to the AS/NZS 1891.4.2009 Standards. Anchor points should only be used by trained competent persons as set out in the AS/NZS 1891.4.2009 Standards .

- 1 Person Free Fall-Arrest – 15kN
- 1 Person Restrained Fall-Arrest
- 1 Person Total Restraint
NB: We at Collins Corporation Ltd. can only guarantee the anchor but not the structure/s that it is attached to. It is the responsibility of the end user to ensure what the anchor is attached to will sustain the loading that the anchor is required for.
Shock Absorber:
Attached to each STC anchor is a shock absorber which when deployed will reduce the loading to 3.8kN
Most other temporary anchors are limited on the way they are used and another type of anchor has to be used, whereas the STC anchor can be changed at the point of attachment to make it more versatile.
The anchor attachment points are all fitted with mounting brackets that are able to have a carabiner fitted, through the attachment holes, this enables the anchor to be attached to timber/steel structures or framing, cherry pickers and scaffolding etc. By shortening any leg on the anchor you are able to restrict the travel.
The roof screws used for attaching the anchors to the roof are M6 x 50mm Hex Head H/G seal Roof Zips.
Top Hat Washer
- When used in conjunction with roofing, a reducing or a top hat washer is used. This will reduce the 11mm hole to 7mm.
Screw Performance Data:
- Single Shear Strength 8.5kN
- Axial Tensile Strength 15.4kN
- Torsional Strength 14Nm
Pullout Strength:
- 0.55 Batten 1.9kN
- 1.2mm Steel Purlin 3.2kN
- 1.6mm Steel Purlin 4.8kN
- 1.9mm Steel Purlin 6.2kN
- F5 Pine – 30mm embedment 5.4kN
- F5 Pine – 35mm embedment 6.3kN
- F17 Hardwood – 30mm embedment 6.3kN
- F17 Hardwood – 35mm embedment 7.2kN
NB: The loadings are actual averages.
Kit Contents:
- 1 x 3 Leg adjustable anchor with shock absorber attached
- 1 x 1 leg adjustable anchor with shock absorber attached
- 2 x Carabiners
- 6 x Roof Zip Tek screws
- 1 x Roof Zip Tek screw driver to fit drill
- 4 x Top Hat washers
- 1 x Carry bag with internal pockets

It is the responsibility of the user to ensure the structure to which the anchor is attached will support the loading required. If in any doubt about the structural adequacy, consult a qualified person such as a professional structural engineer. All anchor points need to be inspected before and after use for any signs of damage. If damage occurs the anchor will need to be replaced. Anchor points should only be installed and used by trained persons.